Early Encyclopaedias
- Diderot and d'Alembert's Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des métiers et des arts
- Pierre Bayle, Dictionnaire historique et critique: an image database of the four volumes of the 1740 edition
- Johann Heinrich Zedler, Grosses vollständiges Universallexikon Aller Wissenschaften und Künste (Leipzig, 1732-54)
- Jacob Spiegel, Lexicon iuris civilis (Basel 1549, in append.: Johann Oldendorpp, In verba legum XII tabularum scholia iuxta seriem editionis suae)
- The Aberdeen Bestiary On-line
- Hrabanus Maurus, De universo libri XXII, transcribed by W. Schipper from MS Karlsruhe, Badische Landesbibliothek, Augiensis 93 and 68.
(compare with PL 111, 9-614)
- Isidorus Hispalensis, De natura rerum
(under construction, MS 83ii der Dom- und Diözesanbibliothek Kön, critical edition, with transscription and reproduction of the ms., by Patrick Sahle, Universität Köln)
Modern Resources
- Britannica Online
- Gallica: Dictionnaires & encyclopédies (more than 200 dictionaries and encylopedic writings available in PDF)
- Meyers Lexikon
- AEIOU Das österreichische Kulturinformationssystem -- Österreich-Lexikon
- Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz
- FREE Internet Encyclopedia
- Microsoft Encarta Concise Encyclopedia
- Francisco López Rodríguez, Omnipaedia Polyglotta
- New Advent: The Catholic Encyclopedia
- The ECOLE Initiative - Creating a Hypertext Encyclopedia of Early Church History on the World-Wide Web
- Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon (BBK), Verlag Verlag Traugott Bautz, Herzberg
- The Theology 100 On-Line Glossary Project
- Glossar zum Judentum (Joseph Carlebach Institut, Bar-Ilan Universität Ramat Gan)
- Marcus Cohn, Wörterbuch des Jüdischen Rechts (1980, Neudruck der im Jüdischen Lexikon 1927-30
erschienenen Beiträge zum jüdischen Recht)
- Lexikon zur Geschichte der Hexenverfolgung (Server Frühe Neuzeit, Forum Hexenforschung)
- Biblical:
- Perseus Encyclopedia
- The Encyclopedia Mythica - "An Encyclopedia on mythology, folklore, mysticism, and more..."
- Bulfinch's Mythology: The Age of Fable, or Stories of Gods and Heroes
- The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
- PhilLex - Lexikon der Philosophie
- Encyclopedia of 1848 Revolutions
- In Other Words: A Lexicon of the Humanities (Literary Criticism, Rhetoric, Linguistics, Politics)
- Teresa Méndez-Faith, Breve Diccionario de la literatura Paraguaya
- Lexicon of Linguistics (edited by Jan Don, Johan Kerstens, Eddy Ruys, Joost Zwarts, converted to HTML by Hans Leidekker)
- Wolfgang Näser, Kleine Wortliste Englisch / Deutsch zur Linguistik und Dialektologie (linguistic terminology)
- Brian Zahn, Definitions of Linguistic Terms (c 1996-97)
- C. Joslyn, Semiotic Terms
- Jorma's Legendary Literature Terms
- Robert Harris, A Glossary of Literary Terms and A Handbook of Rhetorical Devices"
- Ross Scaife et al., A Glossary of Rhetorical Terms with Examples
- John Porter, Glossary of Terms Associated with the Greek stage
- Brendan J. McManus, Glossary of Terms for Medieval History
- Matrix: A collection of resources for the study of women's religious communities (500-1500) - Glossary
- Interpreting Ancient Manuscripts (Brown University): A Glossary of Technical Terms
- Matt T. Roberts & Don Etherington, Bookbinding and the Conservation of books: A Dictionary of Descriptive Terminology
- Birgit Wiegandt, www.bibliotheks-glossar.de: 30.000 terms regarding books, libraries and EDV
- Glossary of Typographic Terms
- David Shaw, Names of printing towns
- J. G. Th. Graesse, Orbis Latinus oder Verzeichnis lateinischer Benennungen der bekanntesten Städte... , 9th ed., Berlin: Richard Carl Schmidt & Co., 1909: HTML version supplied by Karen Green for Columbia University. The site is still under construction. If the search function does not work, you may want to browse the contents
- WEBMuseum: Glossary of Painting Styles
- BuBis (Bürger- und Branchen-Informationssystem) -- Lexikon Kunstgeschichte und Architektur
- Peter Sheppard, Glossary of Architectural Terms
- Online Film Wörterbuch
- Glossary of Musical Terms
- OperaGlass - Information server
- Euclidian Geometry Glossary
- Mathematisches Lexikon
- Hans-Peter Jäger, Lexikon der Astronomie
- Lewis Stiles, Medical Terminology
- Petit dictionnaire éclectique des termes d'escrime
- Lexikon der Datenkommunikation
- Patrick Seidler, Das Online-Lexikon der Datenkommunikation
- Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names
- Geographic name server / Xerox Map Gateway
- MapQuest - Interactive Maps
- CIA World Fact Book (Search only)
- a.k.a. - pseudonyms